the ideas, beliefs, and questions from an almost middle aged man

Friday, March 13, 2009


Is the title even a real word?
Did Adam and Eve have belly Buttons?
Why do churches that have different models and focus on different groups of people fight so much? Isn't the most important thing Jesus?
Are the Atlanta Braves going to make the playoffs this year?
Two weeks away from 3 fantasy baseball drafts that I play in. Can't wait.
I hope Josh Anderson wins the starting CF job for the Braves. Got him on the cheap for my NL League.
Provided I don't do anything stupid in one of my AL Leagues, I should contend for the league Title.
How come other peoples blogs are better than mine? (I blame you Jack)
If I blog enough about the Braves, Falcons, and Bulldogs will I qualify for a press pass?
Why do I like Dale Jr. so much?
Diet Mountain Dew Rocks!!!

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